{Value Proposition for Institutions participating in the Indaba & Expo}


1. Enhance Goodwill and buy-in from various interest groups : 


• The lndaba & Expo provides a unique platform for engaging diverse interest groups or stakeholders under one roof to discuss critical developmental issues connected to the management of the Zambezi River water resource and its co-existence with the ecosystem.


• The lndaba & Expo is intended to focus at both commercial and social investment while safeguarding the healthy of rivers and maximising its commercial value. The sectors of interest are agriculture, livestock, manufacturing, forestry, fisheries, mining, energy, technology and e-commerce, banking, investment and finance, climate change, population, health, migration, education, peace, security and conflict resolutions, infrastructure, legal services, marine transport, inter alia.


2. Viable immediate source of huge investment for infrastructure development, water defense infrastructure and dams for hydropower or irrigation : 


• The Indaba & Expo is a reliable platform for leveraging climate financing or sustainable financing for modern infrastructure development and conjuctive operations of dams for irrigation and hydropower.


• During the lndaba & Expo a number of continental and international investors and investment funders will be on the look out for viable climate smart investment projects around the Zambezi River Basin and make decisions in which ones to invest into.


3. Creates a single point of effective communication of the organisation's mandate and services on offer : 


• The Indaba & Expo will facilitate a rare platform for any participant to highlight its mandate to over 2,000 delegates and also get onsite feedback about how they perceive the organisation which helps the participant to make strategic changes were necessary.


• Further, the developments could help generate necessary institutional reforms for further improvement, if any.


4. Identify new partners for effective management of water resource, acquisition of modern technology and improve sharing mechanisms of transboundary water resources : 


• The lndaba & Expo is a good resource platform for discovering new partners for further improvements in the management of the water resources from source to the mouth of the river. The new partners could also help bring modern technology to improve monitoring and management of water resources.


5. Identify new partners for effective management of water resource, acquisition of modern technology and improve sharing mechanisms of transboundary water resources : 


• The lndaba & Expo can be used to identify areas that would require strategic intervention through corporate social responsibility in order to enhance local stakeholders involvement and management of rivers and its ecosystem.


• Further, the platform could also be used to identify synergies with other stakeholders towards provision of an inclusive and broadbased corporate social responsibilities to diverse interest groups in the local communities along the stretch of the Zambezi river.


6. Speak during the official opening ceremony of the first-ever Zambezi River Indaba & Expo and in plenary discussions : 


• The lndaba & Expo can be used to identify areas that would require strategic intervention through corporate social responsibility in order to enhance local stakeholders involvement and management of rivers and its ecosystem.


• Further, the platform could also be used to identify synergies with other stakeholders towards provision of an inclusive and broadbased corporate social responsibilities to diverse interest groups in the local communities along the stretch of the Zambezi river.


7. Opportunity to brand the Zambezi River lndaba & Expo : 


• The participants will have the exclusive rights to brand the Zambezi River lndaba & Expo with their own corporate brand colours and logos for profiling itself in the region and marketing their services.






• The success of the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 is dependent on how effective the planning and coordination processes are and as such African Rivers in collaboration with its partners have developed a comprehensive strategy to guide the process. The first-ever regional Zambezi River Indaba & Expo has since been officially endorsed by the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment in Zambia.


• The planning and coordination strategy is characterised by designated adhoc and standing managerial and or administrative structures which are integrated to the extent of ensuring pragmatic execution of tasks towards the successful hosting of the event that meets the expectations of the participants. The Event is targeting over 2,000 participants to convene in Livingstone and also undertake site visits to other investment facilities anchored on the Zambezi River across its stretch from Kalene Hills to Victoria Falls.


• The planning and coordination structures created will assist to enhance information sharing and knowledge exchanges in order to enrich the planning and resource mobilisation towards the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024



• The Zambezi River Indaba alongside the Zambezi Expo is the first of its kind focusing on both commercial and social investment with a symbiotic balance of growth and sustainability. The main objective of hosting the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 is to promote conservation of the Zambezi River through climate resilience actions and sharing experiences on sustainable water resource management in order to accelerate economic development for the Southern African region.


• The geographical coverage includes all countries from the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and Common Market For Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) regions. While the sector coverage will include agriculture, livestock, fisheries, sustainable mining, renewable energies, forestry, tourism, technology, music, photography, movie, transport, distribution & logistics, water infrastructure, population, health, education, migration, peace & security, governance & conflict resolutions, manufacturing & trade, and banking & finance.


• The first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 will be held under the theme: "Promoting Climate Smart Investment, Technology and Water Harvesting for Sustainable Development in Africa" and supplemented by four (4) subthemes namely innovation, opportunity, green economy and sustainability.


• The following are the structures that have been established to help manage the planning process and undertake resource mobilization for the successful hosting of the event:



• These are distinguished personalities and individuals that have demonstrated passion for conserving rivers and nature preservation, and have contributed significantly to the fight against climate change in their respective countries or globally.


• These Members will not be required to convene a meeting where they would have to meet physically or virtually but the Main Organising Committee and the Technical Advisor will from time to time consult them individually on how best to enrich the planning process towards the hosting of the event


• The names of distinguished personalities will soon be shared once we have finished writing to them requesting their consideration of this role.




• The Members to the Zambezi River lndaba & Expo Main Organising Committee will be drawn from among the private sector, non-governmental organisations, development partners, civil society organisations, policymakers, women & youth organizations, traditional leaders, consumers, and academia.


• The names of Members of the Main Organising Committee will soon be shared once we have written to them requesting them to consider accepting this role.




• There are seven (7) designated Sub-Committees namely: (i) climate change, environmental protection and technology; (ii) water resource management, land development and governance; (iii) investment, banking and sustainable financing; (iv) publicity, communication and media liaison; (v) resource mobilisation and public private partnership; (vi) protocol, security, logistics and transport; (vii) diaspora and global networking.


• The Sub-Committees shall comprise Members with relevant specializations in specific fields be it environmental protection, climate change, water resource management, wildlife protection, land development & planning, engineering, trade, investment & business development, diplomacy, protocol & security, transport & logistics, banking & finance, marketing & resource mobilisation for international events.


• The institutions have been written to in order for them to nominate representatives to sit on these Sub-Committees and so far the response has been positive.




• The Project Management Unit (PMU) comprise officers from African Rivers the developer of the Zambezi River Conservation and Climate Resilience Project (2023-2024) under which the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 is being held in Zambia.


• African Rivers is a not-for-profit international conservation non-governmental organisation legally registered in the jurisdiction of Zambia. African Rivers is the main implementing entity of the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 and pursue this similar endeavour on River Nile, Limpopo River, Volta River, Congo River, Senegal River and Niger River among others on the African continent.


• Our aim as African Rivers is to safeguard the health of rivers, lakes, streams and water bodies across the continent of Africa while helping citizens and companies to harness the commercial value of water and its aquatic resources.


• African Rivers believes life depends on rivers and water is valuable. This is because rich water resources are useful for drinking and other household uses, environmental activities, commercial, hydroelectric power, irrigation, aquaculture, and recreational fisheries, transportation, industrial uses, and recreation purposes.




• The hiring of an Event Manager for an event of this nature is very critical and the sooner the better so that there is common understanding of the content and context of the activities from the inception.


• The Event Manager is most importantly tasked with the responsibility of planning and managing all the activities outlined in the detailed programme of the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024. Therefore, efficient and effective programming is critical to the success of this event. All the events or activities on the programme must be professionally organised and participants' care is of priority including quality of branded materials.


• The advert requesting for bids from potential Event Managers has been circulated in varied social media platforms and shared with our partners in the UK, USA, Asia and Australia.


• The Event Manager once hired will help to coordinate the planning process of the Indaba & Expo, resource mobilisation and also enhance the visibility of the event across the continent and beyond.


• The Event Manager is expected to present evidence of having experience in organising high profile events of this nature at national, regional or international level.




• The Technical Advisor has been identified and designated with this role in order to help market the event and conceptualise the idea of hosting the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 and critically analyse how the river is linked to economic growth, wealth creation, climate change and sustainable development.


• The Techincal Advisor will assist all the planning and coordination structures by providing technical support and advisory services in order to ensure successful hosting of the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024.


• The Technical Advisor will assist in the programming of the event and also brand designing and developing detailed sponsorship packages for the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024.





• In conclusion, we wish to indicate that the Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 is the people’s event as it concerns rivers and nature well-being in order to foster wealth creation and contribute to poverty alleviation processes.


• The event is in line with the Government of the Republic of Zambia's National Development Plan and Strategies on combating climate change through climate change mitigation and adaptation, improving water resource management and transboundary water sharing, sustainable development goals and inclusive socio-economic transformation agenda.


• Additionally, the Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 will help to complement efforts of various African countries towards the attainment of the African Union Agenda 2063 "a prosperous Africa, based on inclusive growth and sustainable development."


• We therefore wish to encourage every body and like-minded people to come on board and play their part towards the successful hosting of the first-ever regional Zambezi River lndaba & Expo 2024 aimed at building capacities of the local river communities to harness the commercial value chains of the river and unveil opportunities for growth without compromising the well-being of the river and its ecosystem.





For more information please do not hesitate to contact us on:


CELL: +260764171904


EMAIL: [email protected] /or [email protected]




FACEBOOK: African Rivers